“Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old
he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6, NKJV)

Help with your child’s spiritual formation should be a vital part of his/her growth and maturity in the Lord. How come parents will be diligent in providing sound, secular education, including, but not limited to, enrollment in charter or private schools or home schooling. But when it comes to a child’s spiritual education there is no due diligence?
Directly in line with LECI’s outward community focus is LECI’s commitment to teach, train and/or empower Children’s Ministry Workers and/or parents to train children in deeper spiritual truths.

Weather you are a leader of a children’s ministry, a volunteer in your church’s children’s department or you are a parent who is serious in training your child “…in the way he should go…” LECI provides an awesome opportunity to learn how to nurture your child’s spiritual formation.
No more will parents have to take a backseat in the classroom as they watch someone else train up their children in the way of secular education without God.
LECI can help you to become proficient in not only teaching but training your child from as early as preschool age through adulthood. Spiritual age is not contingent upon chronical age. At LECI we have discovered that it is possible for children to grasp deep spiritual truths. As a result, each child is viewed as an active member of the Body of Christ. We will also train each child to have the confidence and understanding to grow and mature spiritually in their daily lives.

We welcome students of all Christian denominations and training is convenient weather (via phone or video conferencing), confidential (from the privacy of your own home), and free!

Trainings models are currently available for:

  1. Children’s Ministry Leadership Development
  2. Children’s Ministry Worker/Volunteer
  3. 1-on-1 Parent
  4. Group Workshop/seminar

To register, please contact one of our Coaches at (407) 701-8207 or email us at info@lifeequippingcenters.org.


Christopher – High School Student Graduates

Carmen – Grandchild Receives Inner Healing and Deliverance